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Composable Infrastructure Extends the Value of Data Center Hardware

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February 27, 2020
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A long-standing complaint among IT professionals remains the traditional “rip-and-replace” sales cycle for data center hardware. Often spanning three years, the cycle leaves organizations trying to predict their infrastructure needs into the distant future with no crystal ball in sight. This often results in poor resource utilization, with data center devices like GPU and NVMe siloed and idle, while others are overtaxed. What this also means is functioning hardware that has not outlived its lifecycle is often discarded to make room for the latest shiny servers off the production line.

Because Liqid Command Center software enables the disaggregated deployment of discrete hardware, users can add devices such as GPU, NVMe, FPGA, Intel Optane memory, NIC, and CPU as required, versus on a three-year schedule. The flipside of that proposition is the life cycles of hardware already in the field can be extended. New equipment can be added as required, saving on capital expenditures associated with “rip-and-replace” while making sure existing equipment isn’t put to pasture before its time.

All of this results in a more balanced overall data center architecture that can be achieved with Liqid composable infrastructure software solutions.

Find out how to extend the life cycle of your data center hardware for a more balanced system. Download our new white paper, “Why Should Enterprises Move to a True Composable Infrastructure Solution,” today and begin mapping out your data center’s transformation free from vendor lock that can be detrimental to innovation.

Learn more about Liqid’s technology and contact us to discuss your specific data center needs with a representative.

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Posted on
February 27, 2020
Infrastructure Utilization

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