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VMBlog Interviews Liqid CEO: HCI + CDI = Best of Both Worlds

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July 10, 2020
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Recently, the virtualization experts at VMBlog sat down with Liqid CEO & Cofounder Sumit Puri to talk about the benefits of composable disaggregated infrastructure when deployed in hyperconverged, highly virtualized environments.

Sumit explains how Liqid composable infrastructure solutions enable IT users to pool and deploy previously static hardware. Disaggregated GPU, NVMe, FPGA, Intel Optane memory technology, networking, and CPU are managed through software, across multiple fibers, including PCIe, Ethernet, and Infiniband.  Once a compute task has been completed, resources are released for use by other applications.

Composability and disaggregation help address some of the issues that arise from work-from-home situations, especially where data center employees are concerned. Why? Because composable infrastructure can help you reconfigure your current infrastructure without sending a human into the data center.

Watch and learn about the benefits of composable infrastructure for virtualization and VDI, hyperconverged data centers, GPU supercomputing, dynamic cloud, and more. To learn more about Liqid’s composable disaggregated infrastructure technology, contact us to discuss your specific data center needs with a representative.

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Posted on
July 10, 2020

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